Dear @holmz : You posted:
" When they have zero distortion, then by definition they will sound the same."
"" It is getting down towards the theory side of “close to zero” distortion. ""
I took both statements to post that example of 4 amps with really " near " closer to the Zero distortion " ideal "/target. I mean that in my example I took the assumption that all four really have zero distortion and from there came my questions I posted.
If those amps have " zero distortion " and are running inside its operational specs and obviously with speakers the amps can handle then according with what you and other gentleman posted in theory those amps will sounds the same. I doubt that could happen till we listen to it.
" I am leaning more towards accuracy in signal quality. " that's good and critical because with out system accuracy we will far away of the recording.
"" I am more leaning toward fidelity over a musical flavour. "" of course because in that way you will be near to the recording.