Limited soundstage between speakers

No matter what the source, the soundstage in my system remains within the width of the speakers. I read with envy of systems which extend the soundstage outside the speaker boundaries. Is this a problem with my speakers, amplification, room boundaries or something else?

What change should I make to improve the soundstage?

gyrodec/shelter 501/exposure 3010s2d/ spendorA6



Buy a dozen 6' artificial ficus trees and place a couple behind the speakers, between the speakers, nest to the speakers to diffuse wall reflections behind your listening position and int he corners behind the speakers.  Last I looked these artificial trees were $40 each at the At Home store.  

These artificial ficus trees act as very effective diffusers.  They are easily moved and can help "fix" a room.

You can add more (I'm up to around 18).

That's a start, and a LOT cheaper than audiophile room treatment.

It is easy to hear bad reflection because too great amount or bad timing between them...

Acoustic is really about how to train  our takes only time, no money....

And i used also re- configuration of pressures zones of the room with Helmholtz resonators and diffusers..Very  powerful....

@mahgister I didn’t read your manifesto but I hope he isn’t just suffering from bad reflections. I did address that in my original post. --Jerry

Laps... There are many fine full-range speakers which require toe-in for optimal SQ according to designer’s instructions. Off the top of my head, Audio Note, Devore, Klipsch. Devore also recommends raking the speakers.

Components and diffusor  and Diffuser/absorber room treatment.

One of my rooms.....

Omni speakers....


Diffuser/absorbers for 1st reflection points

(Previously used for direct radiators but still are magical)

Vaulted ceilings...

Panoramic yet convincingly real and live recordings are simply incredible.

1200 dollar system sounds like 12k or better.

I believe you...

I live the same experience in my own way...


Components and diffusor  and Diffuser/absorber room treatment.

One of my rooms.....

Omni speakers....


Diffuser/absorbers for 1st reflection points

(Previously used for direct radiators but still are magical)

Vaulted ceilings...

Panoramic yet convincingly real and live recordings are simply incredible.

1200 dollar system sounds like 12k or better.