Looking for new speakers Sabrina X or Totem Metal V2

My current setup is a Magnum Dynalab MD309 hybrid integrated amp, Vecteur L4.2 cd player, Cambridge Audio CXN 1 streamer, XLO reference speaker cables and digital coaxial cables  and Audioquest power cables. Room is 16ft x 18ft with 10 ft ceiling.  I am very happy with the sound of my Totem Forest Signatures but am looking for more and hopefully more bass. I have narrowed my search down to two speakers, Totem Metal V2 or the Sabrina   X. I realize these speakers are very different. Leaning towards the Totems as I've had 2 pairs and like the sound and also like that they are easy to place and image well. The Wilsons am I told would be difficult to place and are big and heavy. However my dealer said that the Sabrina's would the last speakers I would ever own. Appreciate feedback on whether anyone has experience with either speakers or had a chance to compare them.






If you get the Wilsons, you'll end up changing out everything else in your system.

Have you heard the Totem Wind's?

I find the Totem line of speakers to be a bit too bright for my taste so I would go with the Wilson’s. 

I own a pair of Totem. After researching them some 8 or ten years ago, then buying them. I am very much a fan. They are easy on the electronics as well 91DB. They are great sounding speakers for playing music. I have not found Totems to bright in the least… probably strongly dependent on what you are driving them with. To me they are natural, great midrange and very punchy. If you want more bass, try B&W… although once again, what you are driving them with matters.

Having said that that, the Sabrina are audiophile speakers capable of amazing feats. Yes, probably the last speakers you would own (unless they light a fire under you). You’ll want to upgrade your electronics big time to get the most out of them. If your looking to build a great audiophile system, the Sabrina are the way to go. Think of $ as 35% speakers, 20% preamp, 20% streamer, and 20% amp, say 5% at start for new cables. Just some idea of what you might want to invest to get the most out of speakers.

So, have you heard the Sabrina speakers? Love them?