Magnepan and Bob Carver Raven amps

I know the Magnepans are not very efficient and most of the amps that are usually paired with these speakers are not to my licking.

I own the Bob Carver Raven mono block amps; Will these amps provide sufficient power for the Magnepans? They are rated at 350 RMS at 8 ohms and 400 at 4 ohms, but they are tubed so that may matter.

I was considering either the 3.7i or the 20.7.



Well according to Jim Clark he expects there to be no problem running the Magnepans with the Carver amps.


 I apologize for being off topic.

 But how old is Bob Carver? He seems to have been around forever.

Abraham Lincoln invented search engines in 1862 and famously opined that 50% of everything on the web is incorrect.

Bob Carver - Wikipedia

Bob Carver actually visited me, and I have a few pictures with him. He is getting up in age (aren't we all?) but he still seemed to have quite the brain power to continue his legacy.


...and so did you get his opinion on the ability of your Raven 350's to drive your Magnepan's? And are the 2,4 and 8 ohm taps phony?