Toilet Paper to Vacuum Tubes

Two years ago - March 2020 we were hoarding toilet paper. Fast forward to March 2022 - we are hoarding vacuum tubes. Oh, how times change.


I’m not hoarding anything. But be my guest, it’s a free country, hoard away. Why be so self centered. Why not send money to Ukraine instead? Go ahead, it’ll make you feel better. And then your mind is free from your hoarding madness. 

"Why not send money to Ukraine instead?"

They need it more than ever, now.

Instead of feeding my gear impulses, I'm going to feed some children...

@thecarpathian Agree 200%.

@artemus_5 Agree 200%

Viva Tubes is dead to me!

I must admit that the tube shortage caught me flat footed.I had to scramble to get what I thought I might need. I needed backups anyway. But in my time of looking for tubes, I watched one big tube seller on Ebay (also a website) who is in new England start the gouge early on. IE, TungSol 6550's went from $189 a quad to $329 the last I looked.I will not buy from that dealer in the future. As far as I am concerned, their ethics are in the toilet

Small potatoes, compared to what's going on elsewhere in the world.

++++ infinity

Maybe we should be hoarding potatoes

Why did you hoard toilet paper?  This has always been a mystery to me.

Perhaps the OP lives in an arid climate where using leaves may be too spiky