My Helmholtz "mechanical equalizer" with one hundred adjusted tubes resonators and diffusers tuned by my ears, use my ears not a microphone, and not some testing frequency but a large bandwidth spectral set which is called an instrument timbre or voice to guide me in the process of acoustic optimization..
This mechanical equalization work to optimize the room /speakers ---> relation and this grid of Helmhotz resonators and diffusers modify the pressure zones distribution in the room being a permament WORKING part of my room...
This mechanical equalizer is useful to fine tune the relation " from the room TO the speakers with my ears"...
But i can use also with it a useful tool to complement it : an electronical equalizer...
Because with it i will fine tune the relation "from the speakers TO the room without my ears" using not instrument timbre for my ears, but a tested frequency for a microphone and using an intergated pink noise generator in the Sansui and an automatic equalization process....
Then the two process are complementary and add something the other CANNOT add ...
But unbeknowst to most people electronical equalization is not enough ALONE for helping our specific ears to recreate all acoustic factors like listener envelopment for example... And mechanical equalization so wonderful it is, is not "accurate" nor perfect but is like our imperfect ears are imperfect ...But imperfection is not a defect here it is the way our bbrain interpret sound experience...
my dream now is buying this:
Only a mechanical equalizer or only an electronical equalizer is not enough to OPTIMIZE a small Speakers/ room/ears complex relation...
Acoustic is the sleeping princess all the pieces of gear are only the 7 working dwarves...