Why is most everything remastered?

It's becoming more and more difficult to find what sound signature was originally meant by the artist. I have examples that sound terrible after remastering. I understand why it has to be this way, If and only it improves the original, if not... leave it alone!


I don't know how many times Jimmy remastered his compositions but his most recent Zeppelin III sounds outstanding on CD. I just received a copy a few hours ago. The stripped down companion disc sounds like they're in the same room. Does anyone have the vinyl of his last master? I'm curious does it get any better.

The "Big Fake" failed to convince me back in the 80's when it all started.

For us original LP nut jobs, the only reason to buy a reissue is because a period press is unobtanium due of price.

"the reason why my Zeppelin II Ludwig mastered vinyl skips."

RL Zep copy is the only way to listen-LOUD. No skips on a proper setup, just proper bass and impact.

"I don't know how many times Jimmy remastered his compositions but his most recent Zeppelin III sounds outstanding on CD. I just received a copy a few hours ago. The stripped down companion disc sounds like they're in the same room."

For the LP only Led Heads, a 1970 Presswell is the standard. The lucky ones have the tape.