ARCAM CD23 Transformer Buzzzzzzzzz

My CD23 is buzzing - I am assuming it is the transformer. The buzz occurs even though the power button is OFF, but stops when I pull the plug. AC is measuring no abnormal voltage. Anyone else have this problem? Anyone know where I can get a replacement transformer? While I'm at it...anyone had their player modified?


I have an Alpha 9 and CD23. At home, the transformers buzz in both of them. Rarely perceptable except when very close to the players. Occasionally louder due to DC offset in the AC (I have learned that from the threads here).

I checked with Arcam and it is normal. Also, the transformer is powered up if the player is plugged in. They try to keep some of the electronics warmed up. Better instantanious sound quality?

FWIW - I had the transformer in the Alpha 9 replaced with what Arcam described as the "cool running option", out of curiousity as much as anything. It lowered the transformer noise slightly at home, but the hum didn't go away completely.

I have the Alpha 9 at work now and it is dead silent. I mean absolutely nothing. I work in an R&D facility and we evidently have really good/clean AC power. Helps confirm the DC in the lines at home?

Jim S.
Also cd 92 had the hum,its from being in standby mode.Noise was inconsistent in models some loud,some not loud but a wee bit noticeable,when they went to the T models they dropped the standby on them.
Never had a transformer buzz in my cd23. Had a couple arcam alpha 10 amps that both buzzed, quite loud sometimes, until I tightened up my neutral connections in my circuit breaker panel. This completely fixed the problem. AC appeared fine on my voltmeter and no other household electronics showed any indication of an issue. Might be worth schleping the 23 over to your neighbors house and plugging it in. FWIW.
I have a FMJ33. The transformer noise can be hearded at close distance (1 feet) to the CD player. My friend used to have the same transformer noise with his previous FMJ33 player, too. So, I assume it is a normal transformer noise. The noise only occurs when I turn the CD player on.

If you find more information on Arcam tranformer problem and replacement, please keep us posted. Thanks.
i experienced NO noise on my arcam fmj cd23 but I had it plugged on a furman power conditioner.