To begin with, pay off credit cards, then apply for one of the zero interest rate credit cards for a period of 12 to 18 months, or as I did, I found the most favorable interest rate through to give as little interest as possible. Then buy the DAC of your dreams that you've wanted for so long, and you'll have a year to pay for what you bought it for. Loans are a banking product, and they can be profitable and useful if you approach the procedure wisely. In general, you need to take a loan when required. You should not use this service when you want to live "beautifully." For example, you can save up or earn extra money for the desired thing.
Tax Returns: Nothing, a new DAC or... ?
Hello Audiogoners,
Tax season is upon us and perhaps for the second time ever I have filed my taxes on time. My choices are:
- Clear out my credit cards
- A new DAC
I currently have a Mytek Brooklyn (orignal version) and am thiniking of a DAC which is a Roon endpoint, with a $5,000 budget. I've never heard the Manhattan, or the Bricasti M5 but they are in my price point and feature set.
I really really like the Mytek Brooklyn .... but do you think in this price range I could find something that would make me pull out my card?
Or do I save my money and prepare for the end of days??
- ...
- 43 posts total
A lot of good info here. Since tge original question is about tax returns and credit cards, I will point out that if you usually have CC bills and usually get back $5000 for a return, then you should really change your withholding amount to actually have the cash to pay for things you otherwise use the CC to purchase. This way, you don't pay interest on your CC throughout the year while you are lending your money to the government interest free. Your scenario is a perfect example of this.
In essence, all the CC interest you paid this year could have been avoided if you did the above. It's your money, take it as soon as possible. Don't lend it out the whole year to the government while paying CC interest. Change your withholdings. Good luck. |
+1 @cissado I'll take your advice, for sure! |
All the haters should buy crypto so the rest can have a good laugh. check more on site |
- 43 posts total