What people like @Prof are ignoring is that according to PS Audio, the fake science site (my term) measured the wrong AC output. Has anyone seen them publish a revision or retraction? Any legitimate site or journalistic source would immediately publish a retraction and retesting with new findings, Or at least a response from the manufacturer stating they measured the wrong thing. Will it happen? If a fake science site ignores their huge technical mistake, then they have no legitimately or integrity and completely invalidate their entire “testing and “review” process.
But hey, if it makes people feel good about the cheap gear they buy that “tests” better than more upmarket gear, it’s their prerogative to scream “snake oil” as I have seen on the few times I wandered over to that cesspool.
Also I have read in this thread that people don’t have a good aural memory, which is why AB testing is required. While this is most likely true, it’s not true for everyone. Many of the people in tests for cd quality vs. hires couldn’t hear a difference, but that doesn’t mean trained listeners can’t hear the difference, or can’t remember characteristics of sound over long periods.