TANNOY will stop Hi-FI ?

Hello all,
I heard Tannoy will give up the Hi-Fi part of their iconic brand. They would stop the public part for developping the "Pro" side. Do you have some infos ?


Thanks for your post. Some folks just can’t see beyond price and specs which is quite fine, to each his/her own :-)

The music and the associated components in your system is an emotional experience for many enthusiasts in this hobby. As a fellow Canterbury’s owner, I totally agree; the oiled walnut cabinets becoming more beautiful after each wax treatment, like a fine vintage piece of art. Not to mention how incredibly musical, dynamic and real-life like they sound in my room. I have not come across another speaker (except the mighty Westminster) that can produce realistic bass like the 15" dual-concentric driver in Canterbury’s.

Not to reignite an older thread, but out of curiosity, I contacted Audio Emotion in UK Scotland to inquire about the coatbridge factory. They claim that it is not entirely closed yet, in fact they said they are expecting a new shipment of tannoy speakers from Glasgow today. So I have no idea what the deal is with the rumors .

So I have no idea what the deal is with the rumors .

The rumors happen because Tannoy has never been transparent and forthright about their operations. Even as a customer (and based on what I’ve seen my dealer go through, them too), communication has ALWAY been a struggle. This is not limited to current ownership, either - it goes far back.

Operating this way feeds the rumor mills. If Tannoy ownership want to cut down rumors, they’re the ONLY ones who can stop it, by providing the information we all seek.

I like Upscale Audio a lot, and I feel their distributorship is a big step in the right direction. But I have a feeling they're not entirely in the loop, either. 

Hi Bros,

I have been waiting Tannoy Kensinton Gr for almost 2 years but it seems that the model is no longer available (at least in my country), all I can do now is to wait or buy secondhand ones.

The biggest Tannoy retailer said he has no idea whether Tannoy keeps producing this model. Except for Turnberry Gr and Kensington Gr, other models such as Canterberry Gr are still in stock. So I believe that Tannoy may stop producing these two models as they cant compete with Fyne Audio at this segment.