If you are not able to hear with this album the soundscape OUT of the speakers, especially completely outside of them SIMULTANEOUSLY by the left and by the right, with this recording, you have a problem with the relation between your speakers and your room size and geometry or a treatment problem or a mechanical control problem or the three problem at the same time...
Dont try with an electronical equalizer it will not work ALONE to solve this problem like wrongly claim some here...An E.Q. is a useful tool yes but not the solution by itself alone here...
For example in some piece of the album there is three harpsichords, two outside of the speakers completely by left and right and the third in the perfect center...The voices comes in front or sometimes at left or right in the thirty pieces of the album......
Acoustic and psycho-acoustic are sciences with principles with which we can experience and devise experiments and from which we even may create acoustic devices and tools... I know it because i did it...
The timbre perception , imaging, listener envelopment , dynamic, soundstage are not MAGICAL events created by the gear pieces by themselves alone by the power induced by the BRAND name, 😁but MOSTLY acoustic phenomena which are TRANSLATIONS of the original recorded acoustical cues in your own room, which acoustic information the gear ONLY convey but do not FULLY produce it by itself and did not optimize it by itself either, we need to determine by acoustic treatment and acoustic mechanical control the specific Ears/ Room relation to the speakers/gear for that...
If the sound image and soundstage are confined here BETWEEN the speakers plane your relation speakers/ room is far from being optimal...Sorry...
And the culprit is probably not some brand name piece of gear itself, or the system itself which is not probably the problem , save if your gear is of a bad design for sure, but usually the problem will be the relation between the system and the room lack of or unbalanced treatment and lack of acoustic control ...
The speakers type must be chosen for the room size and geometry but the location of the speakers and their precise postioning will not be enough either in most cases...You will need at least room treatment and probably some degree of room mechanical control with Helmholtz devices to gain an OPTIMAL result...
By the way this is part two of a very beautiful original Columbia album titled "Moondog" which i purchased when i was 24 years old and i am almost 71....