High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.


It will be interesting to hear a comparison between the "new kid" and the NPS Q45T product. I have not tried either, but I know what to expect from the NPS. The thing about the NPS (if it’s what I think it is)...it’s not just a contact enhancer. For example, you can apply it to the pins of a double adapter, plug it into a nearby wall outlet, and there will be significant improvement to the audio, even though there’s nothing plugged into the double adapter.

Since there has been no disclosure of the name of the company and hence direct company inquire is problematic , do any of you "trial guys" have an idea when the "new kid on the block " will be released , and/or more public disclosure forthcoming?

Hi Rick: Your description of your audition of the new contact enhancer is succinct and very helpful to me. I also received some and treated one AC cord with it (the AC cord that feeds my Puritan 156, that services the front end of my system). That includes a CD transport, DAC, preamp, and streamer. The clarity etc. I’m hearing mirrors yours. I have PPT Total Contact I all of my AC cords already, so I removed that before I applied the new stuff. My understanding from our supplier is that once this stuff is applied it’s permanent and can’t be removed. Hence my trepidation about treating my whole system as you have done. Thank you for your pioneering spirit and taking the plunge for the rest of us.


When a solution containing nano particles is removed..you are removing the binder mostly and only a portion of the elements contained. I understand that TC had a larger particle size vs the new kid on the block which is supposed to be nano vs microns that Tim Mrock used in his binder.But even with the  size Tim used I doubt if all was removed same with Rick's products which were smaller than Tim's.  Looking at the nearly clear binder I can see a color of silver and or graphene and both tend to be gray. I have no problem with applying a product that contains those elements or forms. If the particles are nano then they would augment the conductive surface area by filling in the nooks crannies and blanks something I would want to retain for its performance gains and not remove. Tom

The active ingredient used in Q45T is so far ahead of Total Contact (graphene+silver+oil) , it's ridiculous. Not to say you can't dope it with graphene (and other substances) to further improve the audio quality.