If money was and was not of any concern when buying speakers.

If money was no concern i'd buy these speakers........

If money was of concern the best speaker for my dollar would be...... 

If money was no concern i'd buy these speakers:

a.) Steinway Lyngdorf Model C Music System

b.) Von Schweikert Audio ULTRA 55

c.) Audiovector R 11 Arreté

If money was of concern:

a.) Audiovector R 8 ARRETÉ

b.) Piega Master Line Source 2

c.) Tidal Audio Contriva G2

Thank God that sometimes dreams do come true. 

I own Maggie Rockport Wilson cesarro b&w Zu and Deville for my garage. All speaker have signature that rebound and conjure mystical quality that touch mind like librarian out feather on shaft in elevator when first meet after maid bring home from jogging.

I have Sonus Faber Homage in my garage and Joseph Audio Pulsars in my shed. I am not sure what to get for my living room, nobody makes million dollar speakers in the colors that would match my wallpaper.