whole house surge protector

Hi all-

I'm having some electrical work done on my house and my electrician is recommending that he install a whole house surge protector on the electrical panel.  This seems like a good idea, but I am wondering if I will experience any negative effects in terms of sound quality on my stereo system?  (I do currently have my audio system on a dedicated line.)



Do it. I did it back in the 1990's plus an additional independent panel ground.

Do your research.  the equipment isn't expensive and time to hook it up is not long.  Lots of homeowners install these themselves.  Be prepared to challenge the quote your electrician gives you (or thank him for a reasonable quote). --Jerry


It’s a great idea. Mine starts at the power company meter with a device that looks like a ring. They charge a couple of bucks extra per month for it. After that I had my electrician install a whole house surge protector at the electrical panel, then I have something dedicated to my audio system at the outlet of my dedicated line. A three prong protection is highly recommended. I can’t say I notice any degradation. 

Let your electrician install it if he's already in there.  I prefer the kind that are in the breakers, and have an alarm to let you know they're spent.