Magico S5 review

I've been auditioning the Magico S5's on loan from my dealer Scott Walker Audio of Anaheim for several weeks now.
The S5's are an all aluminum cabinet, a trickle down version of the Q series. They are 90 DB, 22HZ-50KHZ, 190#,and sell for $28,600. After some considerable work by Scott he got the speakers locked in perfectly.

My current system consists of Focal Nova Utopia BE speakers
($45,000), An Ayon CD-5 cd player, An Ayon Triton 2 amp,Grand Prix Monaco racks,and a slew of Synergistic Research equipment: Tranquility bases,Migs, Hologram A,D, and AC Precision power cords, Element interconnects,an 11 piece Acoustic Art system, SR fuses and even the new Ayon BT KT-88 SX tubes made in the Czech Republic

I thought I had a pretty great system......Until the S5's came into the picture. The first thing you notice about these speakers is their sealed rather than ported bass. Oh my god! I am not a bass freak but the Magicos had incredible bass.....taut with a visceral punch to the stomach on the right tracks. And this with a tube amp.On certain bass heavy tracks it was like having two subwoofers in the room.

The tweeter was smooth and delicate and completely integrated with the was like one driver.

The midrange is where the Magico Magic comes in.....a strong center vocal image (I like female vocalists), not only more "there" than my Focals but violins had more sheen, cellos sound deeper and you could hear deeper into the subtleties and nuances of the human voice. The tonal characteristics were denser and more real.

The real surprise came when I put the Focals back in the system. I was disappointed. Very Disappointed. The Focals bass in comparison to the Magicos sounded flabby and weak,midrange presence was lessened along with the Magicos wonderful tone. It was easy to discern that the Magico S5's sounded more holographic, 3D, with a smoother yet more detailed mid and top end.

Things I particulary liked about the music reproduction of the S5's:

Dark Side of the Moon: Listen to the bells and the cash register on the song "Money" Stunning.

Warren Zevon, Life Will Kill You: Warren knew he was dying and wasn't in great shape vocally but when you hear the title track you can hear EVERY nuance in his can hear all his despair and humor.

Sarah McLachlan, Surfacing: I was amazed at how good this Cd sounded, absolutely gorgeous. I heard guitars, Synths, and faint almost out of hearing range background vocals by Sarah. I heard sounds on this Cd I have never heard before.

Melissa McClelland,Thumbelina's One Night Stand: A cd with country folk sensibilties but with a sort of Southern guitar crunch to it. Listening to this on the Magicos was like having Melissa in the room.....Holographic, real vocal tones, and absolutely haunting.

So after saying all this what's an audiophile to do?
My dealer Scott Walker is taking my Focals in on trade along with a check. I understand the S5's take two months to build and get here so Scott is loaning me his demo pair for the duration. That will certainly make waiting for the next two months a lot easier.

Heard the S5 using VAC 450s and it sounds a lot better.
More coherent

I should give credit to the VAC Statement 450.
@Aprica88, the Vacs have a bit of an advantage since Magico voice their speakers with Vac amps, though in general the S5's sound best with high quality amps which are either tubed, or tube-like and have good power and control. The big Vitus amps, Dartzeel, Gryphon and Vac's big mono blocks come to mind. Boulder also sounds great, though for synergy would benefit from warm sounding cables such as Siltech or Jorma Prime & a warm sounding source like a vinyl deck, tubed cdp or something like a Vitus SCD-025. As always, it's all about synergy.
I agree that Magico sounds nice with some warmth somewhere in the chain. I use Pass XA160.5 with my Mini 2s. I'm curious why they always demo at shows with Spectral gear and MIT cables.

I think it's a very detailed sound, but the best I've heard the Q series sound at my local dealer who shows with Spectral and MIT is when they use either a Basis or SME turntable. Much more natural to my ears than with the hi rez digital servers that are also in the system.
@Peterayer, the Pass xa.5 amps are very nice indeed. I could imagine the XA160.5 would have good synergy with your Mini 2's, and the XA200.5 even moreso given the Mini's 87db effiency. As for the S5's, Magico have been quoted as stating an 87db figure which agrees with HiFi News lab results which also showed a moderate 2.5ohm impedance dip, so 400 watts should be about right for the S5.

Btw, the best i've heard the Q1's sound was with a Vitus SIA-025, SCD-010 cdp & Siltech Royal Sig series cables. That combination was incredibly natural and pure. Just a match made in Heaven. And I wouldn't describe Vitus as a super fast amp by any means.
I've got an eye (or perhaps better, an ear) on the Magico S5s. Just caught this bench test report, here:

www DOT

Knowing what I know after many years of breaking my technical teeth, I am very impressed by these bench test reports. Especially the impedance and phase angle plots. The flat frequency response and ultra low distortion numbers are equally impressive.

I guess that leave me with the one unanswered question ... the most important question. How do they sound?

I intend to find out an will report back if I get a chance to audition them.