American Made Audio Products

I just came upon this and wondered if anyone else has seen this website. I try to support the home team when I can so this is interesting, at least as a resource, and not a sales tool. I apologize in advance if I’m late to the game on this but interesting to hear anyones thoughts, knowledge, etc. Thanks.


-Employee of Sutherland Engineering responding-

There are a lot of great audio products on this list.  Thanks for compiling.

Sutherland phono pre-amps are as made in the USA as they can be.

While many of the individual components are made over seas (resistors, op amps, capacitors, for example, come from Germany, France and Asia) the components are all hand assembled and soldered in the USA. All steel and aluminum metalwork and machining are also USA sourced. 

We don't have boards assembled overseas then assemble modules.

@styleman I would assume that the Swiss, German,  Spanish and Scandinavian companies do the same.

Bang & Olufsen use Scanspeak drivers probably exclusively. Not a bad thing. Scanspeak is one of a handful of companies in the world specially equipped to make beryllium tweeters.

I was once informed that Burmester sources it's AMTs from Elac and I know they also use Mundorf. Definitely not a bad thing. They also use Scanspeaks mid-range drivers for sure, and probably woofers as well. Very few speaker manufacturers in the world make all their own drivers. That said, usually outsourced drivers are heavily modified to bespoke specifications.

It is risky, difficult and expensive to ship a heavy amp.  several times I have had to send electronics - amp or preamp - back to the manufacturer for repair, so for those things I buy American.    It’s true that not every part inside was made here, that’s virtually impossible, so what?  

Yes McIntosh makes some great gear but it's assembled in America.I worked there for 23 years so yes I know,despite their claims The mirrored stainless steel,China,capacitors,and all parts inside China power transformers Shumex'Shumacher moved production to Mexico as did Plitron bought out and made in China,everything made to spec in other Countries......

Have always found that buying by how things sound a more sure method than where they were made, although for awhile I had a completely Canadian system (Classe electronics and Oracle TT).