American Made Audio Products

I just came upon this and wondered if anyone else has seen this website. I try to support the home team when I can so this is interesting, at least as a resource, and not a sales tool. I apologize in advance if I’m late to the game on this but interesting to hear anyones thoughts, knowledge, etc. Thanks.


Yes McIntosh makes some great gear but it's assembled in America.I worked there for 23 years so yes I know,despite their claims The mirrored stainless steel,China,capacitors,and all parts inside China power transformers Shumex'Shumacher moved production to Mexico as did Plitron bought out and made in China,everything made to spec in other Countries......

Have always found that buying by how things sound a more sure method than where they were made, although for awhile I had a completely Canadian system (Classe electronics and Oracle TT).

Oh dear! Welcome to hifi as Theraputic Patriotism! But still, there's no reason why we should be in any way dependent upon Russia for vacuum tubes!