Speakers for string Quartets

Hi, I know already this is not a great question to ask, but…I’m looking for speakers that will only be used for string quartets.  Looking for something that will give me some of he sound of the body of the violin, not just strings. Looking for transparency with great tone, but don’t care too much about bass.
I have a large room, but never listen above 80db

current amps are Pass xa25, first watt F8, Aric Audio Single ended kt88, PS Audio m700.

just looking to really hear the violins, cellos. 
hHopefully the narrow range of music can reduce the list of prospects.




Consider a single driver speaker that is not a horn, e.g., Voxativ. This German speaker uses the cabinetry to drive bass notes, like a piano. It is acoustically designed using many of the principles of high end piano design.. Vox’s are high efficiency, very fast, and not cheap. I run my pair with a 300B SET.

I have the Magnepans. 7's and l think they really excel with stringed instruments, in my opinion. Any Maggie's for that matter.The YouTube vid I've attached of my stereo rig should give some indication Keep in mind that l feed my Maggie's with a very power amp with lots of watts/current and l also have one SVS ultra 13 sub 

My setup and equipment is in the description 


Watch "Magnepan .7's & audio system" on YouTube







Lots of good (and predictable) advice here. Electrostatics, the English Invasion (Harbeth, Spendor—and don't neglect B&W, DGG's monitor of choice, favored by John Eliot Gardiner); Sonus Faber, Vandersteen. Quad ESLs get mentioned a lot, and I have a friend with a pair. Underwhelming. No one has mentioned Vienna Acoustics, which sound very civilized with chamber music. So let me add my contentious two cents, just to poke a stick in a few eyes (or ears, as the case may be). 

First, and despite the conventional wisdom that any good speaker will reproduce any music well, I do think there are brands better suited to String Quartets vs. Heavy Metal. I like Tool better on a friend's Klipsch corner horns than on my own system. Those speakers can dislocate your spine. No one's spine was ever dislocated by a String Quartet.

When I bought my speakers, I auditioned them against Vandersteens and B&W. Both of those contenders seemed to veil the music slightly, and were distinctly disappointing with loud, bass-heavy rock (the B&W 802s less so). 

In my home, I've compared my beloved Teslas (yes, that's right, but they were made by Mike Maloney of "Scientific Fidelity" back when Musk was a toddler) against PSB Synchrony Ones, Von Schweikerts, various B&Ws, and the enormous MartinLogan "The Quest." The Teslas always prevailed. Unfortunately, you won't find them; a bad review from Corey Greenberg in Stereophile pretty much killed them. Too bad. They're beautiful to look at, too.

For what it's worth, I play cello in a String Quartet. Granted, the listening experience is different with the instrument cradled in one's body. But, of course, I've had many hours of experience in the audience. The Teslas rule, IMO. 

Check out my "virtual system," if you're curious. Besides the photos, there's a long account of my "audiophile journey," to repeat the cliche.

If you want the best speaker for string quartets look for the best jazz speaker or the best rock speaker or the best folk speaker. Most likely it will be the same speaker.