Let me explain something to you jive turkeys.

All too often when I read YouTube comments on old music, a youngster will say some variation on "I love this music and it's from before I was born" or "This is my favourite band and I'm only 15 or whatever". That's great. Then, some jive turkey comes and says something like "Nobody cares about your age, snowflake.", "You think you're so special?" or "You must be proud of yourself."

Look here, bringing up one's age is not so much about the listener as it is a comment on the music. It's a compliment, not a brag. The listener is not trying to say that they are special, they are saying that the music is not merely nostalgia for old people, not a flash-in-the-pan fad, but is genuinely good music that has stood the test of time, still worth listening to. Dig?


It’s not politically correct ,and cancel culture may get offended 

but these oldies are timeless , Light my 🔥 fire, my house of the rising sun, 

stairway to heaven, in the end what a wonderful world . Timeless classics live on forever !!  

To provide some perspective: A young person in 2022 saying they enjoy listening to The Doors’ “Light My Fire” (1967) is equivalent to a young person in 1967 saying they enjoy listening to Al Jolson’s “You Great Big Beautiful Doll (1911). Around 55 years between each.

I don't care if it's Beethoven or Roll Over Beethoven.

Quality is in the ear of the beholder.

This age thing is so Yesterday and childish.

When my son was just learning guitar at 14 (he’s 27 now), he came home one day and declared, “dad, I found this great guitar player… have you ever heard of him? His name is Eric Clapton!”

me: “yeah, he’s pretty good…”