180g … It’s All Hype !

I seem to have had an issue with just about every 180g record I’ve purchased… Either warped, surface scuffs or just plan ole doesn’t sound as good as the original.

I’ve noticed on re-masters / re-mixes many times it’s just somebody else’s idea of how the music should sound, adding in a few leads or something and certainly not what I expect or want. 

I actually have one I swear they just took the CD as the master and pressed it on to vinyl… Seriously I’ll stick to a decent cartridge, my ultrasonic record cleaner and the bargain bins for my vinyl purchases and listening. I’ve been able to build quite a substantial collection, granted the outer covers may show some wear, but being I’ve been in this for sometime I know by looking at a used record weather it will clean up or not and after cleaning I always replace the inner sleeves with static free high quality sleeves. As for the outer covers… I buy records to listen to so as long as the cover is in tact I’m ok with that. 

I’d rather see ‘em re-release stuff if they do on un doctored up original weight vinyl with the same quality control they had back in the day… 

Heck, stuff in the dollar bins, after having been played over and over through many a folks’ adolescence then stored for years in basements and attics, then sold at garage sales, flea markets or ending up in bargain bins seem to have made the journey just fine… 

I’m tried of the hype and seriously, 180g is nothing but marketing BS to part you with your money.

Need proof of how good older records from the back in the day can sound?….. Check out any of these….

WAR - The World Is A Ghetto

King Curtis & Champion Dupree - Blues At Montreux

John Mayall - Blues Jazz Fusion

Led Zeppelin- Led Zep II

Any LP from James Cotton 

Any LP from The Alan Parsons Project

Any LP from Steely Dan

Any LP The Yellowjackets 

Most LP’s from Savoy Brown

Most LP’s on The Blue Note Label

just to name a few…

I’ve got of tons of ‘em and if you have any Artists or specific Titles you’d like to suggest feel free to respond


Too much generalizing and over-simplifying for me, but one sentence really stands out:

"with the same quality control they had back in the day."

If you think record labels manufactured their 1960’s/70/s/80’s LPs with the care Chad Kassem puts into his QRP pressings, well, I have some swamp land to sell you.

Suggestion: Compare original Buffalo Springfield LPs with the new reissues of those albums Neil Young is doing. If you prefer the originals, I’ll sell you mine for a hundred bucks each.

Another: The original Tea For The Tillerman LPs were mastered with Dolby noise reduction engaged in the chain. When Kassem went to reissue this record, he discovered the tape was not Dolby encoded. So the ’flat" tape had had most of it’s high end removed by the Dolby playback circuitry, drastically changing the timbre of Cat Stevens’ plastic-bodied Ovation acoustic guitar (and the drummer’s cymbals, which I always found severely lacking in shimmer).

If you prefer the sound of the original LPs, that’s your business. But to call them better than the Analogue Productions reissue tells us a lot about your judgment in sound quality. No offence intended. I compared my original UK Island pressing to the Analogue Productions version, and there was a very clear winner. Contrary to your assertion, the reissue was superior to the original in every way. And gee, it's a 180 gram slab of PVC.


My experience with 180g LP’s has proven to me not worth the money…

Seriously… $40, $50, $60 or more for a record and it has nothing to do with my hearing… The ROI for me is not justified. 

You mention …“Too much generalizing and over-simplifying for me”

Didn’t feel like typing more so to answer you here’s just a few I’ve had issues with…and prefer my originals. 

  • Jethro Tull - Songs From The Wood - Warped - Remixed & Orig Sounds Better
  • Alan Parsons Project - Tales of Mystery& Imagination - Scuffed & Orig Sounds Better
  • Al Stewart - Year of the Cat - Scuffed & Orig Sounds Better
  • Led Zep - Physical Graffiti - remixed with unrecognized added rifts / leads - Orig Sounds Better 
  • Blind Mellon - Sounds Like The CD was used as the master
  • Louis Armstrong - Satch Plays Fats - Warped so bad was beyond ability to play and was replaced by the MFG. 

I’ve got several more as well…

Every one of my 180g LP’s have all been purchased “NEW”, several from local record shops others on line,  I just don’t understand where’s the QC, esp at the prices charged.

Not saying every older LP is an excellently MASTERED Recording, but there are many out there I make it a point to find and would be a total disservice if they even thought of remastering & reissuing. 

It’s easy to sound important and informed but I really make it a habit not to take sound advice from people who think you smoke LSD….


My System Sounds Great and My Listening Experience Transforming and to me that’s all that matters.

No offense intended