Tone arm plug in RCA cable?

I have a tone arm with a connector that plugs into the bottom of the arm to get the L/R channels from the stereo cart. 

There are currently going into a Sumiko Premire PIB 1 box on the side of the deck… The RCAs going to the phono stage are then combing off of that “break out” box.

So a handful of suggestions of phono lines to come off the table would be great to have.

Or do I just get some thin silver wire and twist up some, as they only need to be maybe 10” long (if even that long),


@imhififan well right now it is:

  1. DIN —> RCA (into the PIB)
  2. PIB —> RCA (PIB to Phono stage.)

The PIB plugs into the tone arm.


But I am going to a new phono stage.

Is there any meaningful sonic advantage in going direct from DIN to phono stage?
(I think in the past it was mostly a PITA to get the cable into the phonostage without jostling the TT.)

Maybe I should just do shorter RCA from PIB to phonostage?

I probably want to understand what the good and not so good DIN to RCA are.



If you can look at a RCA Phono Cable with PC Triple C wire, this will be a  wire that has a very detectable lucidity and is proving to be improved over OCC wire.

One other wire with a similarity in the detectable lucidity, along with a detectable hint of richness is D.U.C.C, this can be found as a RCA Phono Cable. 


@pindac my lucidity issue is more with what to search for, or product name examples. Maybe I need to try a different search engine.