Tone arm plug in RCA cable?

I have a tone arm with a connector that plugs into the bottom of the arm to get the L/R channels from the stereo cart. 

There are currently going into a Sumiko Premire PIB 1 box on the side of the deck… The RCAs going to the phono stage are then combing off of that “break out” box.

So a handful of suggestions of phono lines to come off the table would be great to have.

Or do I just get some thin silver wire and twist up some, as they only need to be maybe 10” long (if even that long),


@holmz I am a regular forum visitor and contributor to a selection of posts on the analogue section, your inquiry has been welcome and has also encouraged another forum visitor to make their own inquiry on a similar situation.

Your use of this device is not stupid, and any suggestion that promotes the idea that to assist you with your inquiry as being stupid is not helpful to your inquiry.

Valuable Lessons are learnt from experiences encountered in HiFi, maybe the use of the intermediate box in the Signal Path is one that you are yet to assess and evaluate for its impact on the Sound Quality that is being produced.

Maybe this thread is a stimulus to trial the options suggested and select the one that is the most attractive to you.

Either way, the choices you are contemplating working with or are to make, along with the inquiry of this thread are not stupid.

I have seen a few contributions that are food for thought as the inquisitiveness grows.  


Well I appreciate the responses none the less.
And the specific examples (like the Zavfino.)

Thanks guys.

Let stirring up the pot😁

Another option

Tonearm Cable (TAC) Adaptor


Option 2

Rewire the tonearm and extend the wire to a junction box ( PIB ), so OP can try different ICs.

Option 3

Rewire the tonearm with RCA cable.

Looks like a certain forum contributor is 'wed' to referring to other members as being 'stupid' hopefully this short lived and is only a passing trend/fad.

I think this is possible, as the certain forum member, did refrain from informing the OP in this thread, to Dump their equipment and spend thousands $$$$$ on the barrage of purchase links subsequently supplied.  This usual 'wed' to attitude appears to have been a fad, I hope as they have discovered the approach is not abe to be taken serious and is laughable, or is this different approach only limited to this thread?    

It is not really considerate to the OP, or contributors who have offered support,  that the raised Thread is contaminated with unhelpful moments, that are of a content that is attacking the contributions offered,  especially attacks of the type that are bullying and intended to discourage further input.

@imhififan a good selection of photo suggestions to help the OP see further considerations. 

I am with you on option 3, the OP is hopefully still enjoying the assessment of what can be achieved with the options outlined.