Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?

I don't have any specific example but just from looking at it overall, it seems like high-end components prices have really risen more than inflation.  

Or may be it is must me?


@teo_audio the ride you got to take,and the ability to make investments and so on, was supported, nay enabled almost entirely- by the taking of the blood and life of others.

Get a life.  I am also Canadian and resent the implication that my own success is not entirely due to 40 years of hard work.  No one handed me anything my friend.  I suggest you need to find a forum that specializes in self flagellation.

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Only if you let them. Any business will keep jacking up their price until people will stop buying. You can spend as much as you would like or you can do your research and get a great sounding system for a reasonable price. This hobby is like others where people will spend double the price for a 5% increase in sound. If that is what they figure is a good return on investment I will never be the one to question it. You can spend $2000 on a car or $200,000. They both get you from point a to b just in different ways in your head and looks!


The $2000 car probably leaks oil...Just kidding.

It reminds me of a song about $1000 car by the Bottle Rockets.

The lyrics go something like this:

"If a thousand dollar was worth something then why would anyone buy a $10,000 car?"


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