Taxing the hell out of the top !% is not going to solve the US’s financial problems. The net worth of the top 1% according to the Federal Reserve is 42.5 trillion dollars as of June of last year. If the US confiscated the entire net worth of the top 1%, it would pay off our current national debt of 30 trillion dollars and cover the federal government’s spending for another year or two.. The additional amount of money the government would get by taxing or confiscating those further down the net worth list (top 2%, top 10%) would shrink rapidly.
Whenever this take from the rich and give to the poor approach has been tried, it has resulted in economic disaster for everyone except those high up in the government. Governments are just not good at running economies.
Although It is a shame that so much wealth is concentrated among so few, the solution is not having the government take their money. It is for our society to become less materialistic, and that includes us. The people on this forum are probably among the top 1% in net worth if we look at the population of the entire world.
So if we want to spread the money around more equitably, the solution is for everyone to buy less and give more.