Wow, Xcool, as a relatively new SLP05 owner, that was a bummer to read.
My experience in the past with Cary Audio (SLA70, SLP90, power bank, V12) has been extremely positive. That stuff I listed was/is extremely reliable & when I did have questions, their telephone tech service was great. Their customer service, back then, was a big part of what kept me a customer.
About a year or so ago, my 20 year old V12 finally had a signal cap shoot craps and I wasn’t super thrilled with the tech support. I sent an email that wasn’t responded to, so I sent a couple of more, and what I got back was an email telling me to send them the unit & what their shop rates were. On a different audio forum than this one, an extremely kind and helpful & patient member exchanged about one thousand emails with me & I troubleshot & changed all 4 caps myself.
After that I had decided to swear Cary Audio Design off, but I heard so much good about the SLP05 with Ultimate Upgrade, that when a preowned one came up on their site I pulled the trigger &, like you, ordered the upgrade.
I understand your dilemma. I think if it was me, and MD was willing to refund me the price of the pre AND the upgrade, I’d reluctantly go that route.
I’ll be watching to see how this works out for you.