New Technics SU-G700 Mk II on the horizon

Just an FYI: Perusing I came across this from Twittering Machines;

The MkII version will use the GaN output devices and other improvements derived from the Reference SU-R1000 integrated. The price only goes up about $100 compared to the now, discontinued version. 

I'm glad I came across this on my daily dive into (which everyone should do) so I cancelled my order and had it apply to the MkII when it comes out in October. 

It may not sound like much to the casual observer but to get that level of improvement and stay in the Technics lineup says a lot since the SU-R1000 is a ten grand hit to the wallet and if you have efficient speakers, 70 watts is plenty.

All the best,

Well lets hope it doesn't any time soon. 👍

Yes, it would be great for some to have the XLRs but I use short (1 meter) ICs so there's that. However, it would be nice to see just one more set of RCA inputs and maybe a HDMI input but I'm not going to obsess over that. It's the sound that I'm interested in. 

All the best,


Hello @mr_bill ,

I don't know where to begin but first thing is, this is not going back. First day, cold out of the box, it was a tad sinewy but showed lots of promise. It exhibited the fastest break in I've experienced. On the 2nd day it fleshed out some and on the 3rd day, not one hour ago, it blossomed quite a bit without losing any clarity or detail. 

Like Andrew Robinson said of it's predecessor, it doesn't sound like anything, really. Just music coming forth and very pleasantly natural in presentation. No sugarcoating, highlighting or imbalance that I can hear, but it just now threw me for a loop with that blossoming that I mentioned. More meat on the bones, so to speak. Still early so who knows if I start looking for my jaw tomorrow. 😄

Those GaNfets are incredibly fast: they hear everything. Nothing escapes them. I thought I was hearing so much more on those 1st two days but just today with that added body came even more musical information. Separation is top notch and though not deep in soundstage, there is lots of layering going on. I have the easiest time conjuring mental images. They just come right to the fore (most welcome).

I'm fiddling with Coax and Toslink cables for digital out on my SACD player and still find the RCA outs to sound best. There seems to be no way of messing up the sound, just a change of character. I even took out my TV soundbar and now enjoy TV through my stereo rig.

Build quality is top drawer (having Panasonic as parent company does wonders). I've seen this level of fit 'n finish on much more expensive stuff. I thought I'd be looking for a CDT but what I have sounds fabulous as is (still I'd like everything to match 👍). Hope that satisfies until I come back up for air sometime later.

All the best,

Ah, @mr_bill , you caught me after listening to Anais Reno and Lady Blackbird. I sit about 7.5' from the plane of my speakers and both sound like they were about 10' away with a level of clarity I've not previously experienced. With my Marantz they just okay, with the Technics, absolutely wonderful. 

The separation I mentioned last week is much, much better as well as the layering. There are now distinct rows and what is placed towards the back stays locked in place, just like the engineer wanted, with lateral presence in that layer. Kind of what you'd hear in real life.

It fleshed out even more (just today) with a lower midrange and base to die for. I'm talking real presence without absolutely any bloat or smear. Both my Marantz and my Kinki don't do what the Technics does. The Kinki betters the Marantz with a bold, detailed and in your face presentation but lacks the Technics effortlessness, grace, texture, tone, and naturalness. This is real iron fist in velvet glove performance. I really can't stress enough the naturalness of the Technics. 

For awhile I thought that there was something missing as it was so engaging but light in tone. I was just too greedy and wanted it all from the start. For anyone who says break in is a myth, just smile and leave them alone to their misery, unaware of what is within their reach.

All this prompted me to rearrange my speakers a bit and now I have some of the best imaging I've heard. Ever. What made me aware of it was while playing Bach's Solo Cello Suite No.1 in G Major-Prelude from Dialoghi, by Elinor Frey, I noticed that Elinor is not facing directly at the listener but just right of center, facing a bit to the left. When she played, the body of the cello came out so robustly that it traveled some to the left speaker and that was when I noticed a bit of a blank area dead center.

I've never experienced that with my previous two integrateds. The lengths Technics has gone to to lower the noise floor and deliver the cleanest signal is evident in everything I'm playing now. Please don't anyone confuse clean with stark, shrill, dry or etched. I've never winced once with the Technics and I have with the previous ones mentioned. It happened with strong female singers as they belt out the tunes and some horns and woodwinds. With the Technics, they just get louder like they would in real life, which leads me to what the Technics does so well: it scales dynamically like a champ. 

I can't tell you how many times I'd adjusted the volume to a nice, acceptable level (for apartment living) only to quickly reach for the remote to bring the volume down a bit when a singer puts in some real lung power. 

I've yet to delve into rock as I don't really listen to it anymore but some Black Keys sounded especially grungy and cleaner than I've heard. That's about it for now, except that I'm sorely tempted to say "to heck with it" and just get the matching SL-G700 SACD player and call it a day until I pass on from this mortal coil.

All the best,