Thanks for helping me through this musical discovery process. Having had a Rega player since my fist audiophile days (first a P3, then a P8), I wasn't too enthusiastic about vinyl. However, when my Rega Apheta 2 cartridge broke, and I replaced it with a Linn Krystal, I began to hear what analog was capable of. . . and, of course, then I broke my Linn Krystal cartridge, and that's part of the reason that it was time for an overall upgrade, and I have to say that while I really enjoyed the Rega P8, the Dohmann Helix One Mk 2 renders a much more musical and realistic presentation.
Six months ago I had no idea about cartridge installation and alignment, but I used a SmarTractor UNIDIN point alignment to align the cartridges and adjust tonearm pivot to spindle distance. I've got an AnalogMagik on order to further fine tune the adjustments of the cartridge. The videos from that company have helped quite a bit.