Best speaker on used market around 10,000.00

Owned a ton of speakers, looking for a speaker that has that visceral punch when needed was also won't rip your head off on the top end.
Smooth mids, big sound stage and punch.
Thanks Curleyques
In my humble opinion, there's no way anyone can answer that question.

Since the speakers are last in the chain from source to your ears, every component in this chain affect the outcome of the perceived sound from the speakers.

I heard Wilson's WAMM setup in a audio store that sounded terrible, and I heard Martin Logan's electrostatics setup in a home that sounded amazing (mine ;-).

Unfortunately gone are the days of the boutique audio store where I could take home a set of speakers for a week to audition them before deciding to buy them or not (good 'ole days, sighh).

Speakers are in the same class (but more so) as most of the equipment in the audio chain: totally subjective opinions as to who likes/dislikes a particular link in the chain.
You know... I see good threads initiated all the time that receive no response. But here’s someone seeking advise that there are so many solutions for that it’s truly nonsensical. How many $20,000 speakers ($10k used = $20k) can meet the subjective criteria: visceral punch & won’t rip your head off?

Answer: All of them!

I know how petulant I must sound but...Arghhh!
Heh, well, almost. There are stats and other panels that won't deliver the "visceral punch," so at least we know what not to suggest.