Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other

I've recently upgraded most of my system, but I still have a Rega P8, with Linn Krystal cartridge, which I like, but I've heard that there may be better options.

I have Sound Lab electrostatic speakers, Ypsilon Hyperior amplifiers, an Ypsilon PST-100 Mk2 pre-amplifier, and am thinking about an Ypsilon phono stage to match with my system, and a turntable/cartridge.  I listen to almost entirely classical, acoustic music. 

Based on my very limited knowledge, and simple research, I've been looking at three brands, each of which is a different type of turntable: SME (suspension), AMG (mass), and Technics (direct drive).  
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of turntables, and of those in particular?



I put the link up in another thread recently, this device seems to sahre a very similar role as the MinusK.

Brochure_i4.pdf (google.com)


Thanks for sharing SME's new TT.  That would've been just my timing to buy an SME 30/2 the week before they come out with an SME 60!  SME makes excellent TT's.  

Dear @drbond  : Congratulations that your new anolog rig is fulfilling you with a higher listen MUSIC enjoyment, good.

"  I really enjoyed the Rega P8, the Dohmann Helix One Mk 2 renders a much more musical and realistic presentation.  "

No doubt about , the Dohmann main difference is its almost total isolation against resonances/vibrations developed normally in the arm board, platter, bearing footers, plinth and the like. Those resonances/vibrations now are isolated and I can think the cartridge tracking is not disturbed any more as in other TTs and that kind of isolation is mainly what makes the main differences for the better.

It's not the issue here but  a simple question: what could happen with a RP10 TT with the rigth isolation or even a top the Minus K?

As dover said buy the software you like and enjoy it.

Btw, " As many a commenter has remarked, digital just sounds flat by comparison. "  opinions like that only says that some one like oranges more than apples because both mediums are way and totally different. 

Again, congratulations ! ! 





@drbond I do apologise for showing the link to the SME TT, especially shortly after your announcement of having received a new TT and one week into the excitement of having it with you.

It was the Title of the thread that caught my attention and I put the link to the the New Model on here.

Please do not think I was suggesting a different option to the choice you have made, that is not my way of functioning.

I wish you many many hours of enjoyment with your new acquisition.