Best cable for record cleaner, ever

I just purchased the Acme 2000 power cable and attached it to my record cleaner, and I can’t believe the difference it makes over the stock power cord. Records are now completely clean with no noise on playback. Highly recommended.

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Is this the cable with the flux capacitor upgrade? I’ve got it on several components and they transformed my system into the stratosphere! Highly recommend!

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Place a carbon sleeve over it and it wil give the cleaning an extra dimension 😉

Ho ho ho!

But there is s serious issue here.  Some people truly believe changing the power cord on their LP turntable can improve the sound.  Indeed, most of the manufacturers of expensive swanky gimmick-ridden turntables supply them with an expensive swanky gimmick-ridden power cord.

Sounds stupid I know, the electric motor in there is very similar to the one in the record cleaner.