How do you tune a room with blindtest? 😁😊
This tuning process is an addition of many hundred alternative changes, if not thousands on a period of many years for me...
Then saying that i can be afraid of blindtest is bordering on ridiculous...
I passed many "acidental" "haphazard " blind test by unforeseen circonstances sometimes with surprizing results in this journey, confirming the value of my tuning process...
Saying that we are afraid of blindtest is borderline ridiculous argument...
A singular change borderline audible can be doubted for sure and must be, like in a delicate buying option, but a streak of continuous change in one acoustic direction : for example a better timbre perception is always, in spite of errors in this direction which will be rectified, ineluctably programmed by listening non blind numerous experiments...
But i understand it can be useful if someone is in a showroom and must choose between 2 components....It occur with success many decades ago when i was in the same buying circonstance....
But anyway there is no comparison between the same piece of gear BEFORE acoustic treatment and control and AFTER...
Give me any relatively good piece of gear and i will use it with success if i can tune the room for it...The gear choice is LESS important than the rightful acoustic tuning process...Most people for sure think the exact opposite...It is like saying that sound come from the electronic design by itself alone not from his coupling with a room for the most part...
No speakers can beat the room where they are located...
Acoustic/psycho-acoustic method are the key, not blind test.... Which is a secondary tool at most ....
...As for the simple question why those who refuse to do a blind test/audition to me there could be a few reasons, and 2 come to mind, being afraid to chose the component that "is best", or being afraid to realize that your position on a subject, for example like you say you can(n’t) distinguish the difference in AC or Ethernet cables is wrong.