Wilson Benesch Square 5 and Square 3 speakers

....don't know what happened to my original post but has anyone compared these two speakers ? I have always appreciated the sound of WB's and was looking into both of these speakers. My room is 14' across and 21' deep with 7' celings and the speakers are against the short wall. Thank you in advance....
Thank you Drubin.....I have not heard either as of this date. There is big difference in price those two speakers. Still like the Curves for the price ......
I am familiar with Wilson Benesch. I started with the Arcs. Loved them. I then added a pair of Curves. Really loved them. I then added a pair of A.C.T.’s and they are fantastic. I have the Arcs in my bedroom. The Curves I gave to a close friend. The A.C.T.’s are in my main system in a dedicated music room. I’m now looking for a pair of Three’s or Five’s for my living room. 

I have a pair of SQ5, the last pair which was sold directly by WB...a true NOS. I purchased them in Nov’20. They are in white. I originally placed them in the living room since was the first speaker design approved "by her", but now are in my dedicated listening room/ office (12.5x16.5) which is pretty well treated. I truly like them...but reach that moment took some time since amplification is a very important matter for this speakers. I’m running them with Accuphase E800, McIntosh MA12000 and eventually with Primaluna EVO 400 Int. Very good results with all of them...but as you can see: Lot of current is the key to keep them happy. The SQ5 IMHO are quite revealing, but absolutely not fatiguing. So, I carefully choose the amplification based on keep my sound preferences in-balance. If whoever is looking for a pair of this rare birds: Grab it ASAP, since there are just a few out there....and hardly leave their owners caves.