With Trudeau insane laws about speech and terrorist laws we canadians are more brainwashed than ever with no more freedom...A canadian free press did not exist...And medecine is decided NOT by the patient and a free doctor but by unelected international institution or worst imitating US corporate powers dictum and the like of Fauci...
Are we myopic like Americans ? alas! i think so, because we elected him...It was not so mucj like this decades ago...
It is so true that a conservative ex prime minister like Brian Peckford, who is the last surviving minister who signed the new constitution of the country appear NOW with his "common sense" like a REBEL banned of all official medias and organize a just lawsuit against the stupid actual government...He is my new hero... A vestigial remain of a time who even politicians with whom we could disagree were anyway the FREE owner of a working brain...
I am nostalgic of Kennedy, Einsewnhower, De Gaulle, and of the half good part of Churchill... 😁😊
I have also lived and worked outside the United States (still do) and understand that most American’s perspective is very myopic. I believe that if more Americans traveled the world they would understand how much they’ve been lied to all these years.