Power Cable Break In - Such a Change!

I installed a new AudioQuest Dragon Source power cord from my Lumin X1 to my Niagara 7000. The power cord from the wall to the Niagara 7000 is also a Dragon but the High Current version. I bought that cord used.

So, when I first started using the new power cord everything sounded great. However, after a couple of days I started hearing a strident sound. Especially in the upper mid/ treble region. The bass was also constricted. I started blaming the sound change on another piece of equipment that was installed concurrently.

Now, I was under the impression that the Dragon power cord with its DBS system required no break in. But I did inquire about it to AudioQuest who responded that it would still need about 150 hours to break in. It's been close to that now and sure enough yesterday I started hearing the glorious sound that I heard from day one with the power cord only perhaps better.

I must say the difference during break in and now is quite remarkable, I don't remember any other power cord going through this amount of dramatic change.





Thank You for the follow up. How did the SR Galileo arrive in your system?

Were you thinking about an all-loom of SR ?


Happy Listening!


I did start out with the intent of using all SR power cords. Until I read that my AudioQuest Niagara 7000 power conditioner works best with their power cords. So, I first started with the Hurricane and liked what I heard and moved on to the Dragon. Now I am trying to assemble an all Dragon set up. The SR Galileo SX is a very awesome power cord.



Thank you, you my friend have actually experienced the phenomenon of cable break in. With some cables this change is extreme.

Many that deny it have never really experienced it they are just stating their opinion. Which is the same that I held many years back until a dealer offered me to try a Synergistic Research Master Coupler. When I first tried it, I couldn't believe it. This cable did indeed provide better bass etc. But how can that be? It's just a cable made of wire. That started me down the road as to not forming an opinion especially on audio components until you try it.

It is strange but it clearly occurs. Even used cable needs some time to resettle to sound its best. 


This is so true ozzy...i alternate my diy cables every week to two weeks.I left my vh audio 4/12 quads in and they have at least 1000 hrs...but something has dailed in with them this weekend.Soundstage is perfect ...tone/timber spot on.Clarity went up a notch.Talked to chris this morning he was saying 600-800...it seems teflon takes alot of current/time is all i can figure.I cant run system to levels that i could at old house,Thats what keeps us trying i guess 🎶

Chris knows.  His experiences dovetail with my own.  Teflon is a PITA when it comes to break-in... hours and hours and hours.  Polypropylene is better when it comes to time.  Polyethylene takes less time, yet.  Foamed versions of each are quicker.  Thing is, they all sound different.  Teflon is clean and "fast" in character.  Polyethylene is the most organic, with polypropylene somewhere between in sonics.