Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC

Some history: I was the OP on a four year old thread about the Chinese LKS MH-DA004 DAC. It achieved an underground buzz. The open architecture of its predecessor MH-DA003 made it the object of a lot of user mods, usually to its analog section, rolling op amps or replacing with discrete. The MH-DA004 with its new ESS chips and JFET analog section was called better then the modified older units. It has two ES9038pro DAC chips deliberately run warm, massive power supply, powered Amanero USB board, JFET section, 3 Crystek femtosecond clocks, Mundorf caps, Cardas connectors, etc., for about $1500. For this vinyl guy any reservation about ESS chips was resolved by the LKS implimentaion, but their revelation of detail was preserved, something that a listener to classic music especially appreciated. I made a list of DACs (many far more expensive) it was compared favorably to in forums. Modifications continued, now to clocks and caps. Components built to a price can be improved by costlier parts and the modifiers wrote glowingly of the SQ they achieved.

Meanwhile, during the 4 years after release of the MH-DA004, LKS (now Musetec) worked on the new MH-DA005 design, also with a pair of ES9038pro chips. This time he used more of the best components available. One torroidal transformer has silver plated copper. Also banks of super capacitors that act like batteries, solid silver hookup wire, 4 femtoclocks each costing multiples of the Crysteks, a revised Amanero board, more of the best European caps and a new partitioned case. I can't say cost NO object, but costs well beyond. A higher price, of course. Details at

The question, surely, is: How does it sound? I'm only going to answer indirectly for the moment. I thought that the MH-DA004 was to be my last DAC, or at least for a very long time. I was persuaded to part with my $$ by research, and by satisfaction with the MH-DA004. Frankly, I have been overwhelmed by the improvement; just didn't think it was possible. Fluidity, clarity, bass extension. A post to another board summed it up better than I can after listening to piano trios: "I have probably attended hundreds of classical concerts (both orchestral and chamber) in my life. I know what live sounds like in a good and bad seat and in a good and mediocre hall. All I can say is HOLY CRAP, this sounds like the real thing from a good seat in a good hall. Not an approximation of reality, but reality."

Post removed 

My DAC is really settling in and becoming very consistent and very smooth and detailed.  I've run it and the cardas usb for about 100 hours over the past week.   My streaming setup has been sounding excellent with an occasional seemingly recording related bit of excess high frequency energy.  Just for kicks this morning, I substituted an AQ pearl USB in place of the cardas and whoah, it seems to really balance and smooth the occasional high frequency tizziness I've been experiencing.  I'll run it a bit longer and see if this impression holds. 

We all know system synergy matters, not component cost.

This is a great thread and I've read with mounting excitement/interest about the apparently amazing 005 which if it performs as described is at an equally amazing price.

I see the Merason DAC mentioned, which together with the SW1X and Mojo Mystique have my interest and now also the Musetec 005 (thanks to this thread)  It would be great if anybody could compare any of these other DACs to his 005.  All the DACs seem to be seriously focused on the resultant sound rather than features and being jack of all trades.

DAC designers focused on USB that take advantage of the newest processors in their boards have taken this input to an exceptional level. Realizing bits are not just bits a good designer will render bit perfect processing regardless of the imperfect signal arriving. They will also cancel out any voltage carried.


After owning a HOLO DAC for 5 months I've come to appreciate the as good as it gets processing of USB signal. After a month of using this DAC, the cable experiment started. I apply changes for a month then revert to prior setup before accepting change as an improvement. Long story short is my system and this DAC took signal from any distance with any USB (limited to 1k, so not really any) cable quality I threw at it and never wavered. 

The really exciting feature is how 16/44k sounds when played. I use ROON and immediately appreciate when this format comes up. There is something remarkable about the original format that shines through when the signal path conversion is kept as close to native as possible. I'm not saying crap recordings sound great, they still sound like crap, it's the better ones that will amaze. I would recommend any DAC with a design focus on the USB input. Of Course, YMMV.

Has anyone used the AES/EBU input exclusively OR enough to know how it fares against the units ‘best’ input, which I’m assuming is the USB, since the majority of comments are with USB. But what about the XLR with a nice cable and nice transport? 

@lemonhaze as much as the DACs you mention may all consecrate on sound over features, from what I’ve read, they’ve all be described differently. Very smooth and bit of warmth with big bass for the Mojo, a healthy chunk of warmth but good detail balancing with the Merason, and a bunch of tubes for SW1X. The 005 neutral and ‘exciting’, to be very general with all… I can see the Merason and Mojo DACs maybe being comparable, going by their general descriptions, but the 005 reads quite different from forum descriptions.