After years of separates, I'm going integrated. Anyone else do the same?

I'm rethinking my listening room. I want my audio rack to be more minimalist vs lots of boxes, wires, and clutter. I know separates, in general, will sound better. However, at the level of my system, I'm not certain the difference would be as apparent. In the grand scheme of things of Audiophilia, my level of components are mid-fi at best (BHK Pre, First Watt J2, Elac PPA-2 phono, Pro-ject s2 Dac, ZU Omen Defs)

I'm favoring one of the Luxman Class A's (I know Luxman is getting out of the Class A business. The only way I would favor a built-in Dac is if it were upgradable like McIntosh or Accuphase. I'm guessing a Luxman or Mac built-in phono would sound just as good as to what I have now (Elac PPA-2).

So the question is, who else has gone to integrated? Do you regret the move or are you glad you did?



I'm not ready for an integrated on my main system of separates. I like it too much to even think about replacing. However, I recently purchased (thank you Craigs List) a used Hegel H160 integrated for my office system and really like it which makes me think the 390 or 590 would be really fine for a main rig. 

When I get sick of separates, I'll bet class D will be all the rage and perhaps then I'll go with an integrated of that design.

Just ordered a Coda CSIB ver. 1 From Mike at Audio Archon .Will be replacing a Rogue RP 7 and Odyssey Kismet monos. Really wanted to go with a lower power Luxman but room just to big. 

I didn’t move from, I set up a second system. I was either going to get a Luxman or a Hegel.  I ended up getting a Hegel H390. It plays Tidal without a separate streamer and the built in DAC is pretty good.  

All the Best.


I finally sold my wonderful tube separates. It was a decision that I considered for at least two years, one which I finally made. The upside is that I greatly prefer the cleaner and simpler appearance of my listening room. The ease of operation and maintenance of a single chassis tube integrated are also big pluses.

It helps me relax and enjoy the music more. I don’t think about what I might or might not be missing.

In a way, it’s kinda like driving a freshly detailed car.

Less clutter: the music sounds better. Far fewer tubes: far less maintenance and "rolling."

Clean and shiny: the car runs and feels better. :)