Connecting Amp to speakers

The humble banana plug, has not changed in its basic design since it’s invention, which I believe to be around 1929, many adaptations, but all following the basic design, so am I right in assuming this is the most efficient way to connect all these high end speakers and amps, which are discussed in these columns in great detail with their  perceived audio attributes, along with speaker cable costing mega bucks, and all connected, I am assuming, to each other by a banana plug. Maybe the top flight kit has an alternative connecting system??


I’ve found that binding posts on speakers come in two widths. I think spades make better contact than bananas, but when I changed to my latest set of speakers, the spades were too wide. Luckily there are spades with a variable size...


The correct answer is:  spade, bare wire, pin (the small cross drilled hole in the shaft takes a solid pin attached to the wire), banana jack, and double banana jack.

What are the five ways that speaker wire can be connected to such posts?

Bare wire

Banana plug



the wrong way

Alligator Clip is "the wrong way"

in my experience all connection methods can be made to work fine... it is a matter of preference and how much work is needed to make a certain way work

My vote is for banana plugs. Sometimes you think that you have a spade really tight...and it falls off when you move the cable a bit.