Thirty Days in the Hole

Is that where MillerCarbon is? Can we expect to see him on the 9th?


I just received news of Oldhvymec...

These are his own words :

I’m not listed as suspended, I just cannot post. That is what AG does. A LOT of people are not suspended, they still can’t post. THAT is the problem.. Staff will also not let them PM, that is what they did to me..

I dont know more and i dont know why either...

Sad situation...

It can happen to each of us...

For a misinterpretation in choice of words perhaps ? Or external pressure ? i dont know more  and no coming back for him till now  and no  explanation...



He was bullied, and the bullies, who were well known, should have been the ones who were suspended from posting.

I miss anyone that I've had varied levels of respect for, be it about educated discourse or just intellect-driven distracting amusement....

But since the space is a public pool, one is allowed or side-tracked subject to rules and rulers....



Liked the song, and the movie....;)


The firing order of a straight 6 depends on the crank.  If it is 'flat', i.e. all big-end journals at 180º to each other you are correct.

That's a cheap crank to build.  But if the journals are placed at 120º to each other then 142625, or indeed some others, will be right.

+1 @roxy54 It is very simple to see who caused @oldhvymec ’s suspension. Read the post history. Meanwhile that same guy(s) is (are) left uncensored posting at will.