No love for Legacy Audio

Hello all. I have been on a few discussions here and read many more. I have not seen many of the posters here talk much about Legacy Audio speakers. I am referring to the Signature SE model and the Focus SE model. I am curious why people don’t seem to like them as much as several other brands that get talked about much more here. What is it you like better about the ones you are consistently raving about. Thank you. 


"I'm sorry you missed my point. "

Sounds like your point is you don't like it here.

There's a really simple solution to that.

"Honestly I have not seen a vast amount of posts on Legacy speakers. "

Type in 'Legacy Audio'.

You will.

Like OP, I am a Legacy owner and wish more were posted about them. Obviously, they are indeed large and heavy, very big footprint, hard to pack, and nearly impossible ever to ship for sale or trade. I use the Signature SE because I would need 9' ceiling for the Focus. Bought them because they are fully enclosed, no port, not sensitive to placement, and they go lower and flatter more naturally than anything else in their price/size range. They are also US made and provide good advice on fine-tuning for the customer's listening environment.

That said, being designed with a peak at 35Hz and a steep rolloff below, the Signatures (including Focus) still need subs for the (to me) essential Octave Zero. 

Now, as for the decline in quality of posts, censorship and the rest -- I  don't know the story and can't comment except to say that I miss several very useful commentators who were once here and now departed for reasons unknown to me. (I had assumed that maybe MC had been shamed out by the Kevin Deal Raven demolition, or that maybe the overt Tekton flacking was deemed too brazen, but just guesses on my part. Never saw OldHvy, etc, doing inappropriate salesmanship, political ranting, threats, etc, so no idea why he and others named are no longer to be found. Nor why whole threads, rather than simply individual offending posts, would be taken down. There was plenty of useful info in some of those deleted threads). Oh well, somebody needs to make the rules, so we freebie users need to take it as we find it.

Any size speaker is easy to ship. First, take notes while unpacking. It will make packing months or years later much easier. BTW, only a complete idiot would throw away the original shipping cartons.

Strap each box to a pallet or both to a large pallet.

Set up an account with a place like this (what Legacy uses):

Echo Logistics

And Bob's your uncle.

BTW, not all Legacy speakers are big. As I type, I'm listening to a pair of Legacy Classic HD speakers. Speaker and listening position have been optimized. Preceded by reasonably priced, well matched components. Smaller room. The sound quality is sublime. Right now listening to Supersession; LP purchased over 50 years ago when I was in high school.