Scored 3 isoacoustics isolation feat, now what?

I Scored some cheap snake oil from Mr Haney the other day. Got 3 Orea Bordeaux. First I tried them on my Quick Mill Anita espresso machine with no improvement in texture or taste. So I figured I would try them on one of my HiFi source components. Got them sitting under my tubed pre now and I think there might have been some bloom improvement. I could also try them under my DAC or Power Amp. What component has best potential yield? Mr Haney said he had them under a Pass Labs power amp.




Full disclosure. Would like to say the title misspelling was a humor  attempt but it was a mistake 😑 .  Although, I suppose it could be a feat. 

You have the Oreas, you have the pre, DAC, and amp . any reason not to try them under each yourself and see what your ears tell you? No need for someone else's opinion

Observe the weight recommendations on Isoacoustics site.  You can find all the information you need there.