Have audio cables really improved in last 20 years?

I feel audio components have improved in last 20 years. Better caps, resistors and so on but is there a really a jump in wire production or technology?  I need to buy some more wire. Is it really beneficial to buy new current wire or will older 10 to 20 year old used high end wire be almost as good. I still have my old Acoustic Zen silver ref 2, JPS Superconductor, XLO signature and others and think they sound very good.


No, just more really bad values and more profit for sellers in a few relatively rare “high end” cases than ever. In other words more people than ever attempting to cash in on “easy money” . Any Joe Blow can come on here and try to sell a wire for astronomical profit. Why not? If scams are allowed someone will take up the invitation.

One totally unknown guy was hawking a $10k power cable here not long ago and had a noisy cohort here handy who supposedly tried it (for free most likely) and then gushed in a thread that cost nothing as well here. I wonder what his cut of the almost total profit was?

It can be pretty shameful. But it’s only hifi. Nobody hurt except any suckers who bite.

@williewonka did a nice job of recapping some of the FACTS on how cables and conductors have definitely improved. Just no doubt about it. Just because some individuals make or made cables of suspect value does not mean cable and conductor sound quality has not improved. The two have nothing to do with other. Every facet of life is occupied by some crooks.

Not sure about the cables, but advertisement, propaganda and info-wars really did.

@grannyring, like myself, is just one of many Audiogon members that has experimented with many different facets of cable design over many years.

  • We investigate the latest claims from various sources
  • We try things for ourselves i.e. if they seem to hold some merit
  • We trust our ears to tell us when something is working - or not
  • We prototype and refine our cable solutions,
  • We learn from our journey

From my perspective, if a company does not reveal the "science" behind their cables then they are not worth considering.

The basic "Cable Science" that should be considered in order to achieve a very good product - as stated in my previous post, is

  1. metlurgy of the wire and gauge
  2. insulation
  3. Cable Geometry
  4. Connector design & implementation

Incorporating the best of these four facets into a cable does not come cheap and the very best cable companies, like those I have mentioned in my previous post, adopt further refinements of those four basic design elements, in order to achieve outstanding levels of performance from their cables, so their cables can get a little pricey.

The next time you are looking to update your cables, see how the company that you are condicering, adresses those 4 basic design elements. If you are unable to discover them in their advertising literature - move on to another company.

Worthwhile cable companies reveal their designs. But you do have to understand some basics - it's just like buying any other component.

Regards - Steve