Any good video sites out there?

So, my post about the clickbait nature of some youtube video sites was removed.

I was not trolling. I was not baiting.

Let's think about this for a moment. This is a hobby that pays attention to reviews. They drive sales, conversations, and how we perceive audio itself. 

Therefore, it's relevant to an audio hobbyist site to discuss the kinds of reviews out there. A good, informative review can guide members toward new ways of evaluating audio and help them make more informed decisions. On the other hand, review sites which are inaccurate or even just hyperbolic in their reviews or in their titles also have an impact on how seriously we can take that site. In the case of YouTube, some members here think that it is YouTube itself that is at fault. 

So, this is a valid topic for an audio forum. I went to a site -- which shall remain nameless because critique is not allowed, I guess -- which is consistently saying that the latest review is the "best ever" or "the most ultimate XYZ ever" etc. This is the kind of hyperbole which, I am arguing, has a negative effect on other, less manic sites -- which I will not name, either -- the ones not trying to work the algorithms to garner clicks.

The post I made was a claim with evidence -- evidence supporting the claim that there was a hyperbolic quality to the site. That's all I did.

And then my post was taken down.

Let's analyze what has just happened.

Violating post policies means posting "prohibited content."
The rules are as follows:

You will not submit content that is copyrighted or subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy, publicity, trade secret, etc., unless you are the owner of such rights or have the appropriate permission from their rightful owner to specifically submit such content.
You will not post information that is malicious, false or inaccurate.
You will not post content that is sexually expicit.
You will not post content that is abusive or defames another member of The Service.

Those of you who read my post will realize that I did none of these things. What I did was call attention to a youtube site that -- I am claiming, with evidence -- tends toward hyperbole in their titles.

If this post gets taken down, then I think only one conclusion can be drawn about what has happened to "moderation" here.

Post removed 

@hilde45 do you still have what you initially posted? If you send to me would like to try and repost again. It, was not, IMHO wrong, inaccurate or against Agon policy. 

The OP question is valid and interesting...

Most reviewers even honest one are sellers...

The Youtube agon reviewer the OP cited is probably honest, but he sells his "expertise" in agon and youtube...

about ultra high end gear ....

Then using hyperboles is, if not legitimate, easy to understand...

it is interesting to listen to him because who spoke about 100,000 bucks dac anyaway?

No one ... 😊

my dac value was 20 bucks...Its real value is 500 bucks...

i am lucky yes...

Those of you who read my post will realize that I did none of these things. What I did was call attention to a youtube site that -- I am claiming, with evidence -- tends toward hyperbole in their titles.

If this post gets taken down, then I think only one conclusion can be drawn about what has happened to "moderation" here.


i think the OP is right...

This site banned one of my friend. because of the pression of some seller working here probably...

It is anything but a free forum for sure, it is a commercial place...


By the way the whole point of my presence here is : "audiophile experience for the poor"...This is the title of my virtual system page 8 years ago...

I try to educate people about acoustic as the way to hi-fi, not 100,000 bucks was my journey to experiment with acoustic...

This is why i side with the OP on these questions ....Sellers inform but ONLY  to sells more...

No sellers ever said that acoustic method means more for sound than upgrade of gear...NEVER.... Save sellers of acoustic panels who anyway sells costly materials not acoustic experiments and acoustic control anyway...

Sellers sells...

Those who dare to experiment   inform without too  heavy prejudices....

Anyway sellers put their skin in the game of selling, those who experiment put their skin in the game  of sound quality improvement at low cost...




I'm not seeing how I'm in violation at all.

You must be joking. If you're not, you might want to contact the moderators and have them explain it to you.

I suppose that criticism of businesses ... is not tolerated.

Now we know you're joking, because this site is full of criticism of businesses and individuals in the audio world.

Sorry but here some criticisms are possible for sure but not against all business...

It is evident...All business are not equal...

Some Business are big contributor to this site.... This is why....

If you critic the wrong one good luck....

Now we know you’re joking, because this site is full of criticism of businesses and individuals in the audio world.