Dipole speakers, subwoofers and that rear wall

I own modern quad dipole speakers (2912s). I’ve heard many stories about speaker position, but never something that rang as fully logical to me. I can imagine 3 choices:


1/ dipole pretty much against the wall, maybe slight toe-in. The reflecting sound will come quickly after the straight sound and might cancel out the direct wave

2/ dipole far from corner (I hear quad recommends 1.5m). Reflections will amplify the sound?

Both statements feel like they’re incomplete. Surely the frequency, or frequencieS being played matter a lot if the reflected sound is in phase (amplifies) or in antiphase (attenuates) the direct sound. I can imagine perfecting positioning for one frequency and its modes, but not for 20-20,000 hz full spectrum.


3/ Close the rear of the dipole or have sound-absorbing material behind the speaker

The third one seems somewhat more logical, since I can’t imagine a sinewave that’s being attenuated by a reflected wave being accurately-sine-y unless the reflection is exactly in counterphase with the frequency played.

But on the other hand, if I have an actual instrument that is somewhat reminiscent of an actual dipole (e.g. a snare drum pointing upward) will have similar reflections on the rear wall.


I guess it "feels" true that you don’t want to stuff a musician in a corner too much but I’m not sure if this will negatively impact his sound?


As for the second part, a proper subwoofer moves quite a bit of air, can that air damage a dipole eletrostatic speaker?


I can't let a discussion of dipole loudspeakers and subwoofers go without mentioning one combination of the two that is very unique: the dipole speaker of your choice mated with an OB/dipole sub.

Brian Ding of Rythmik Audio and Danny Richie of GR Research put their big brains together and created the world's only servo-feedback (all Rythmik subs are servos) OB/dipole subwoofer. Details on both company's website. THE sub for dipoles. 

I sort-of have a dipole subs - SVS PC4000s - ports at the top, downfiring at the bottom. ;) - 



I found these diffuser panels: they look fairly nice too 


Which ones are the best for the situation (quads in a corner, subs behind them.. 

If you are using a diffusor you must understand that a true diffusor is based on mathematical properties and not random variations in a surface. Not saying that these arent true diffusors but you have to be careful. My diffusors were made by RPG and came from a speaker designer/manufacturer who no longer needed them.