Magico A1 or Sopra 1 or Marten Oscar Duo


I am looking for a new speaker to replace my 803d3’s. I don’t need the lowest frequencies in my 4 by 6 meter room. So, what would be a good replacement?

Can someone tell me about differences in sound?

- Focal Sopra 1

- Magico A1

- Marten Oscar/ Parker Duo

My amps are: pass labs xp12, Bryston 14bsst2

cd: simaudio 650d, Bryston bcd3.




I second Rick's recommendation. As you are in Europe, you may be able to audition a pair of KIM.

I had a long listen to the Marten Parker Duo, but ended up buying the KIM.

Here's a link to a comprehensive review by Martin Colloms (in pdf form):

FinkTeam KIM review

If you are looking for a rich but natural sound with plenty of bass and detail for believable sound, the Trenner and Friedl ART monitors get my vote. I would recommend the second version used to save money, or the third (current) version new or used. I’ve heard the second and third versions, and as at least one review states, there isn’t a huge difference between the two. Your gear should do the job nicely. The ART monitors excel in smaller rooms like yours, especially with good stands. 

I’ve heard the Oscar Duo as well, but I’ve never heard a rich or full enough sound out of them. Light but detailed would describe what I’ve heard.


Have fun with the hunt!

I’ve heard the Oscar Duo as well, but I’ve never heard a rich or full enough sound out of them. Light but detailed would describe what I’ve heard.


That would apply to the Marten Duke 2 as well. The overall presentation is a little lean and light in comparison to speakers with a fuller midrange and bass. The touch with the Marten is more refined and delicate especially in the treble. The sound is smooth but detailed at the same time. In contrast, other speakers may sound more strident by showing a more forward presentation with a brighter piercing treble.