I own the Wyred for sound DSD-SE one thing it needs is the a Femto dac .
I sold the a Luxman 06 the Wyred is much better.parts quality in the SE
It here is a Nothing under $10k maybe more in this exclusive tolerance
Parts.femto clocks are the rave for the are literally 1,000s of time more accurate.there are dacs under $1000 using a Femto clock.
If you do buy a wyred dac Insist on a a Femto clock far less jitter then a pico clock. I am trying to get them to install one for MR the clock is less then $100 .this is the Only weakness in absolute terms, but still sounds
Excellent against any $5-6k dac. More so with a Febto clock. Pass the word around to anyone thinking about a new dac.the vega dacs parts are not as good ,but their Femto clock is.
I sold the a Luxman 06 the Wyred is much better.parts quality in the SE
It here is a Nothing under $10k maybe more in this exclusive tolerance
Parts.femto clocks are the rave for the are literally 1,000s of time more accurate.there are dacs under $1000 using a Femto clock.
If you do buy a wyred dac Insist on a a Femto clock far less jitter then a pico clock. I am trying to get them to install one for MR the clock is less then $100 .this is the Only weakness in absolute terms, but still sounds
Excellent against any $5-6k dac. More so with a Febto clock. Pass the word around to anyone thinking about a new dac.the vega dacs parts are not as good ,but their Femto clock is.