Turntable Placement Between Speakers with Short Interconnect?

I am considering purchasing a VPI Prime 21 Plus turntable, but I am uncertain where it will live. I have only two options: On a solid heavy wood stand between my 803 D2 B&W speakers along with my Gryphon Diablo 300 amp, with a 2 ft interconnect, or 3 ft to the right of my right speaker, with a 8ft interconnect.

I hear that it is bad to place turntables between the speakers, but I also hear that long interconnects are bad. Are either of my options acceptable? Of note, my Gryphon amp has a phono module installed in it.

I do have the option to install a wall stand for the turntable in either location, but obviously it would then place the turntable against the wall behind my speakers…. which may be bad? Looking for any advice!

I should also say I only listen at moderate volumes.


Unfortunately, a corner is also not ideal. Bass tends to collect there. Mine is pretty close to the corner (big room though). I put a Silent Running Audio isolation platform under it and it is a very high quality sprung table, so it works.

I don’t know if you have done much experimentation with your front wall, and imaging. I would do some. Find something around the house to simulate the blockage.


If you don’t mind bending over… if you keep the table really low then that is probably the safest bet. Stuff only screws up imaging as high as it is. I recently pulled my amp further out in the room and put pillows behind it and this improved and deepened imaging. I guess monoblocks are best.. so you can locat next to the speakers… there are alway compromises.

One other thought I had was to first purchase a low end $1k Pro-ject turntable to experiment with the position between my speakers. If I’m lucky, maybe it simply isn’t an issue…. I can always sell the cheaper TT after.

of note, I have all other gear I’d need including some good AQ short interconnects and a Hurricane source for the TT which will go into my AQ 1800 conditioner.

Currently running a 2m pair of Clarus Crimson biwire cables to my speakers which are rather great for the money.

Maybe I should just do a test with an inexpensive TT first? I don’t want to spring for a very fancy VPI TT if it will sound like crap….




Another note, yes my stand for my Diablo’s is a heavy wood stand that is very low and very wide. It’s less than 1.5 ft tall not including the gear itself. I’ve always thought my imaging performance was good, but maybe it would be better without the stand there. Either way the gear is well below the mid drivers.

My room is also huge, as my house is open concept. Ceiling is vaulted and high as well, 12 ft at the peak. Room is about 900 sq feet, but the area my system is in has a tall island that acts as a partial wall on the left side. In other words the large room is broken up a it.

You're over analyzing this.  Place your turntable on a sturdy platform close to your integrated amp.  If that means it's between the loudspeakers, then so be it.  This is not the perfect solution, but it will give you wonderful sonic results.  Just keep the equipment stands low to the floor.

onhwy61 that is music to my ears and hopefully yes I am overanalyzing things, which actually come to think of it is a large part of this hobby which seldom yields results.  Usually just a matter of trying things out, which is why I think I will just start with a Pro-ject Debut simply so I can be confident in the setup before I take the big plunge…