Turntable Placement Between Speakers with Short Interconnect?

I am considering purchasing a VPI Prime 21 Plus turntable, but I am uncertain where it will live. I have only two options: On a solid heavy wood stand between my 803 D2 B&W speakers along with my Gryphon Diablo 300 amp, with a 2 ft interconnect, or 3 ft to the right of my right speaker, with a 8ft interconnect.

I hear that it is bad to place turntables between the speakers, but I also hear that long interconnects are bad. Are either of my options acceptable? Of note, my Gryphon amp has a phono module installed in it.

I do have the option to install a wall stand for the turntable in either location, but obviously it would then place the turntable against the wall behind my speakers…. which may be bad? Looking for any advice!

I should also say I only listen at moderate volumes.


You're over analyzing this.  Place your turntable on a sturdy platform close to your integrated amp.  If that means it's between the loudspeakers, then so be it.  This is not the perfect solution, but it will give you wonderful sonic results.  Just keep the equipment stands low to the floor.

onhwy61 that is music to my ears and hopefully yes I am overanalyzing things, which actually come to think of it is a large part of this hobby which seldom yields results.  Usually just a matter of trying things out, which is why I think I will just start with a Pro-ject Debut simply so I can be confident in the setup before I take the big plunge…

Okay, I’ve found a way to make the left side of my left speaker work for my turntable location (3 ft from speaker), and this is NOT a corner. Here’s my plan based on all of your feedback, to facilitate placement on the left side of my speakers:

  • I will pick up a separate phono module
  • I will pick up a 14 ft balanced interconnect to go to my Gryphon’s balanced inputs

From what everyone has said, it seems to me this setup WOULD be more ideal, albeit at an added cost. So my questions now, are:

  • Phono module: What phono module to pair with a VPI Prime 21+?
  • Phono power cord: Is yet another fancy power cord for the phono module warranted (I have AQ Hurricane source cables on my other source equipment including for the future VPI TT)?
  • 14 ft Balanced interconnect: I’ve not had any experience with XLR cables before. How much does quality matter and do I need to go through the lengthy and intensive cable testing process I went through for my speaker cables, which was very worthwhile? Or does it matter less with XLR cables?

Thanks again All.

PS:  Consider budget blown given the above.  It's okay, just means I'll need to wait a bit. 





It's important not to obsess too much.

There's nothing wrong soundwise putting the TT between the speakers.  Remember they have minimum output 90º to the sound axis, so this is actually an area of minimum interference from sound waves.

There's nothing wrong with an integrated amp either.  It isn't necessary to run monoblocs so that the amps can be right behind the speakers - indeed the amps like to see a bit of load from speaker wires.  Anyhow, if your speakers are 10 feet apart, and few are much more, then there will be only 5 foot runs of cable.

Connect the TT to the amp with short wires, this is essential.  So put the amp under the TT.  Although a wood stand can be heavy, whatever material floor you have it is worth having a lot more mass.  My system stands on a support made of big pieces of marble and stone.  All in all it must weigh nearly 1000 pounds.  That won't vibrate or go anywhere.  I have a concrete slab floor and the marble base is spiked to it.

I run my whole system balanced from cartridge to power amp.  But with the layout I recommend above, you won't need 14 feet x2 of expensive interconnect, so no wait required.

You are overthinking it, anticipating rather than actually having a problem.

And here’s the kicker: what if the phono module you choose doesn’t sound great? They make a much larger audible difference than phono cable length.

I have 3 different length phono cables, to a SUT with it’s factory attached phono cable.

the longest 8lf din/rca one for my far left tonearm custom made for me by Pine Tree.



discuss your needs, pick your length and connectors, they will make it very promptly.

main arm, 1m ortofon, oh boy




the 3rd phono cable came with my Acos Lustre GST-801 tonearm, possible OEM or seller got it.

Despite all the BS about ’keep phono cables short’, I nor anyone else can hear the difference between any of them when I move them hither and thither.

I relocated my SUT, could shorten the 8lf one, I’m not gonna bother.

IF you go into a SUT (with PASS for MM), to a Phono Stage, then to a Preamp, then to an Amp you have 4 lengths of cables involved. It’s the phono stage that is going to determine the sound, not the cable length of any or all of them.

One of the reasons I do not like ports in speakers is so that I can put equipment between the speakers with no side or rear radiation.

have a peek at my turntable between my speakers


the isolation feet below my TT Plinth is to tame my springy wood floor’s flex, not any sound waves in that location, just enough to get 2 steps away after needle drop..