Taiko runs an optimized Windows 10 ltsc. There has been lots of proprietary optimization in it.
The best driver is no driver and Linux and Apple support this protocol.
Not really. Every OS has a driver for a chipset. The chipset cannot runs its own when its interacting with s/w components, for example when using a music s/w like Roon, the data stream is sent out the the USB chip for which you need a driver (mainly called device driver in the s/w world) that does some critical aspect of sent/receive data from the h/w. Its just that Linux and Apple OSX has UAC2 complaint driver that can work with any USB controller which is UAC2 complaint. Windows doesn’t have a UAC2 complaint driver and hence it needs the chip manufacturer to provide its own driver. There are pros and cons to this approach but its out of topic for this thread. Just know that there is always a driver running, irrespective of what OS you are using.
This is why Linux is used in critical applications.
Linux provides more control to its users since its Open Source. Windows and Mac OSX is not. Linux also provides a way to run it in a Real time manner. I have extensively used Linux for audio applications for years. I started with Windows server 2016 using Jplay, AO2.0, etc and then moved to Linux as it sounded better. After using Linux for several yrs, I tried experimenting with Windows 10 again since Microsoft has a come a long way re-writing many stuff in the OS. Currently I prefer an optimized Windows 10 Pro over Linux purely for sound quality reasons.