AN Niobium versus Tantalum resistors?

Has anyone compared the two? Non-magnetic versions.


I read an interview where AN said something like "The Niobium are amazing when used correctly in conjunction with the tants". Hm.

thanks in advance


It is Interesting how incredibly subtle aspects of complex field expression (current and voltage), as combined with molecular noise, all time shifted in some manner, as a slur or as a displacement in time and level of transient edges (the only part that matters to the ear--it is all we hear!) (that takes on aspects of a hysteresis curve, in written graphic expression) can combine to alter our understanding of an audio signal reproduction.

Where, knock on wood, the haters have yet to arrive. To speak, and share, without receiving undue abuse.

Sure is nice we have so many boutique parts available to us these days. My present recipe has combo of Takman Rey, Rex and Z foils in various equipment. AN Niobium more resolving than Z foils, that's really saying something!

@teo_audio I've come to liken it to comparing high-end glass for lenses. Zeiss, Leica, or a simple prism from grade school show you what happens when turbulence and time shift occur with light - prismatic effects, halo, chromatic aberrations. Electricity moving through materials (as wave or particle) subject to the same issues. Hence why we call it "colorations" to sound. My $0.02.


I was wondering why the cosina lenses I found at VV (value village) on the ’wall of shame’ (bags of stuff, priced) had such value, on line. then I looked closer. bubbles. likened to Leica. (waiter! take this old stuff away! bring me some fresh wine!)

Then the explanation to people that it’s not about the bubbles themselves.. but how they formed, why they formed. Boutique, or pinnacles.. can be like that.....

Yes thats especially similar with NOS tubes. Somehow people accept tubes work on this principle, but not cables, resistors, caps...all are nothing but materials which energy flows though, coloring the behavior and result. But I guess some people feel the rain, while others just get wet.